Saturday, February 26, 2011

Generation Wars: Boomer-Fatigue or Gerascophobia?

Wait, so this is an article claiming that the real problem isn't that Boomers dominate our culture, but is in fact the idea that youth rules and older people should move aside to make way for younger generation­s? Um, hello, Boomers? Do you remember who pioneered that idea? What generation pushed an obsession with youth culture to the forefront? Don't trust anyone over 30? That's right, this is your invention, too. The fact that you now sometimes feel marginaliz­ed by society is just another example of your generation­'s cultural dominance. So, don't get so exasperate­d by the cult of youth. It's your cult, after all. You even set the age limits. Don't blame the 20-somethi­ngs for trying to maintain your standards just because you've grown beyond them. After all, I wouldn't want to go back to being 25, would you? Let them have their fun. Meanwhile, we can all appreciate the fact that Boomers are in fact still contributi­ng to culture in ways that we didn't see "senior citizens" doing 30 or so years ago.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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