Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Faisal Shahzad Arrest: Beck Versus McCain On Miranda Rights For Times Square Suspect (VIDEO)

I may choke on these words, but I have to say them: "I'm with Glenn Beck on this one." To think that I would even have to make a political statement of my support for mirandizing an American citizen just shows how far some elements in our society have sunk. The best support they can come up with for their position is "but still?" But still what? This is America. Americans have rights even if they don't deserve them, including the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Reading this man his miranda rights should in no way bar us from finding him guilty. Our justice system may have flaws, but are we saying that it doesn't work? If we ignore his Constitutional rights, we only open ourselves to letting this guy off on a technicality. Why take that risk?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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