Thursday, April 29, 2010

Family Value: Paying It Forward

Happy Pay It Forward Day, everyone. What's that, you've never heard of this holiday? Neither had I until a few days ago when I noticed that one of my friends had marked themselves as "attending" this event on Facebook. I promptly did the same, as the concept of paying it forward is one of the guiding principles of our family.

As a matter of fact, when I mentioned the holiday to my husband this morning, we discussed it and realized that we were already participating without even knowing about the special date. Today is also the anniversary of the Make a Wish Foundations's first granted wish, and many local organizations, including ours, are having fundraising events today. Our daughter's dance team is scheduled to lead the warmup at our local Wish Walk, and our entire family was already signed up to participate.

In addition, as this is the last day of regular classes for most of the classes we teach, my husband was bringing in food for his students. I was unable to do something so nifty, since I'm administering state exit exams. However, for the most part, what we found is that we will be participating without even having to change our schedules.

For Progressive parents who are living their values with their children, probably every day, or nearly, is Pay It Forward Day. Granted, it's nice to have reminders like this, and we will probably make an effort to look for additional ways to make a difference to the people around us in honor of the day. How about you? What will you do today to make your community a better place? Is it pretty close to the things you do every day to teach your kids to be responsible citizens?

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